Monday, December 21, 2009

Alignment 2

We have two grades (7 and 8) and we are hoping to align so kids get the most non-repetitive all around program preparing them for high school. The feeling with our whole district team is that middle school is a foundation for learning AVID skills with a little application and high school is mostly application of AVID skills with a little foundation. It's a journey not a destination.

Here's an example of what we are developing in the two year plan...we want students to create a persuasive paper in 7th grade. There is a whole lot of writing skills to develop through the use of the AVID writing book. What if the culminating project is the persuasive paper and along the way students select from the various skills in the writing book as portions of their portfolio. They get some self direction and responsibility, there is less "boring" presentation, students develop skill (foundation) and produce a final project (persuasive writing). We even have a plan to attach the final drafts to website so families and others will be able to see the work.

We have a ways to go to finalize but it feels like a good plan.

Friday, December 18, 2009


The AVID Elective teachers in my building got to meet the other day. We all came to the same conclusion about "weeks at a glance" - pacing is helpful but it's difficult to meet the time frame. We've started a plan to align 7th and 8th grade and the high school program, including things like special projects and field trips and Philosophical Chairs and Socratic Seminar. Our rough draft is based on what the high school staff really wants our AVID kids to know.

I think it has potential. As we develop it, I'll add it to the blog or website.

Happy Holidays.