Friday, January 8, 2010

Team Building on Friday

My learning targets were "I am learning to be better organized" and "I can collaborate." Organized referred to Friday binder, planner and notes. Collaboration refers to playing together as a way to build academic trust.

We played Last Word (go to the AVID Northwest website for details)in small teams and I had the tutors group together as a team too. I like to create a little competitiveness and the tutors are part of the team. The deal was that if the tutors were in the "leaders seats" by the end of the class, their pay would go up 1000% and they would receive new cars. If any student group was in the "leaders seats" by the end of class, every student would receive a piece of candy (I know...healthy schools conflict).

Raucous good the end of the period, I had them do a quick reflection orally...give on get one, "How does playing games like this improve the class?"

I tell my kids all the time (and they finish the sentence for me) "the number one reason people are fired from Fortune 500 companies is...they don't get along with others."

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