Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tutorial Work With Ferndale HS

I got to do a tutorial training with Ferndale HS yesterday. They have an AVID Department of 8 educators. The group was focused on creating consistent tutorials in every AVID class.

We used the Tutorial Support Resource Curriculum Guide that you can download (along with the video that shares two classrooms using tutorials).

Here are the group agreements they came up with (numbers like 2.4.9 are the reference numbers in the upper right hand corner of pages in the Tutorial Support Curriculum Resource Guide):
1. One Tutorial Request Form (2.7.4 in the Tutorial Curriculum Book) will be used by every teacher in every class. The rubric on the TRF was a time saving/information sharing benefit that really sold that particular document.
2. Part of the resources students will be expected to have available for each tutorial are a front to back copy of the ten steps to tutorials (1.8.2) and the flow chart that defines the Inquiry Process (2.5.10 - but email me and I'll send you an updated flow chart that is easier to read).
3. There is a four part rubric defining the four jobs during tutorial that will be a standard part of the tutorial process (3.1.3).
4. Cornell Notes will be the main source of information for tutorials and all AVID students will produce ten pages per week by the Fall of 2010.
5. Binders will be checked a minimum of once every two weeks (due to block scheduling).

We also talked about the importance of developing tutorial skills during tutorial sessions. Use the book to help you prescribe solutions to problems you are having and instead of a regular tutorial session, make some tutorials a tutorial skill building session. It mixes the routine up a bit while it helps improve tutorial skills.

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